MTM J-20 Slip Top Ammo Box Clear Green


MTM J-20 Slip Top Ammo Box Clear Green

98 in stock

    SKU: CSSI|MTJ20LCategories: Ammo Storage

    MTM CASE-GARD J-20 series ammunition cases are a favorite of rifle enthusiasts throughout the world. Made of virtually indestructible polypropylene that will not warp crack chip peel expand or contract. The CASE-GARD J-20’s are available in five sizes. All rounds are listed bullet up position.

    Some reloaders don't like the lid touching there bullets so the lid dimension below is for them. There are a lot of reloaders that expand the case as much as half inch and claim no problems with accuracy.

    Cartridge Sizes: 220 Swift 224 Clark 225 / 25-284 / 270 / 284 / 307 / 308 / 356 Win. 240 Wby. Mag. 25-06 / 244 / 280 / 6mm / 7mm-08mm Rem. 257 Roberts 30-06 Spr. 30-30 Win. 30-40 Krag. 308 Marlin Exp. 360 Nitro Express 2 1/4” 375 Rimless 2 1/4” 32 Win. Spl. 338 Fed. 35 Whelen 376 Steyr 444 Marlin 400-375 Belterd Nitro Exp. 6.5 Carcano 6.5 Creedmoor 6.5×257 Roberts 6.5-284 Lapua 6.5×50 Jap. Arisaka 6.5×52 Italian 6.5x54mm Mann-Schoen 6.5x55mm Swedish 6.5-06 A-Square 6.5-284 Norma 6mm-284 Win. 7×57 / 7.65×53 / 9.3x57mm / 10.75×68 Mauser 7×64 Brenneke 7.5×55 Swiss 7.7×58 Jap. 7-30 Waters 7.35 Carcano 7.5 Schmidt Rubin Swiss 7.5×54 French MAS 7.5×55 Swiss 7.7×58 Jap. 7-30 Waters 8x57J 8mm-06 9.3×74 9.3×62 9.5×57.

    Lid is at 3.36" QAL.





    Manufacturer Part Number
